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This has been a challenging time for everyone.  The pandemic, the isolation and the loss of our sense of normal.  It's completely understandable to let fitness go out the door with so many other healthy habits during times of stress.  But for that reason alone, stress, it's vital that you keep active, that you maintain an interest in your well-being, that you decide that you are worth the effort.


Body Performance Fitness can be your partner during this tough time.  I only work in outdoor spaces.  I come to the session masked and I maintain distance at all times, adjusting you through verbal cues, not physical touch.  I sanitize all my equipment between each session.  And if that still seems too risky, which I understand, I offer visual sessions...which can be pretty handy: you don't have to leave your house to get the work done and start noticing the results. 


I take COVID seriously.  But I don't believe that needs to be mutually exclusive from taking your fitness seriously as well.


Drop me a line: let me know how I can help you.


Stay well!  Stay safe!


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